Architectural Compliance Made Simple with AI


Our AI-Powered Architectural Compliance Tool automates the verification of architectural plans, ensuring they meet industry standards and regulations. This tool is designed to reduce errors, save time, and  allow architects to focus on the creative aspects of design. 

                                                                          Features & Benefits

Automated Compliance Checks:

Instantly verify plans against industry standards, reducing the risk of non-compliance.

Real-Time Feedback:

Get immediate insights into potential issues, allowing for quick adjustments.

Error Reduction:

Minimize design errors and costly revisions by catching discrepancies early.

Time Savings:

Cut compliance review time by up to 50%, enabling faster project progression.

                                              Tool Features

RMP (Reduced Mobilty person)







Case Study : Transforming Architectural Compliance with AI - A Success Story

Client Overview

Client: ArchiBuild Group​
Industry: Architecture and Design​
Location: Paris, France​
Product Used: AI-Powered Architectural Compliance Tool




ArchiBuild Group, a leading architectural firm in Paris, faced significant challenges in ensuring that their complex architectural plans adhered to stringent industry standards and regulations. The manual verification process was time-consuming, prone to human error, and often led to costly delays and revisions. The firm needed a solution that could streamline the compliance process, reduce errors, and allow their architects to focus more on design and creativity.



ArchiBuild Group implemented our AI-Powered Architectural Compliance Tool to automate the verification of their architectural plans. The tool provided real-time feedback on design compliance, highlighting discrepancies and potential issues before they escalated into larger problems.



The AI tool was integrated into ArchiBuild Group's existing design workflow. Within days, their team was trained on how to use the tool, and the compliance checks were automated seamlessly. The AI's intuitive interface made it easy for the architects to run compliance checks with minimal disruption to their design process.



50% Reduction in Compliance Review Time: The AI tool cut the time required for plan verification in half, allowing projects to move forward more quickly.​

30% Decrease in Design Errors: By catching discrepancies early, the tool helped reduce design errors, leading to fewer revisions and cost overruns.​

Increased Focus on Creativity: With the compliance process streamlined, architects were able to dedicate more time to design innovation, enhancing the overall quality of their projects.


"The AI tool has been a game-changer for us. We no longer worry about missing compliance issues in our designs. It's saved us countless hours and allowed our team to focus on what we do best—creating inspiring architecture. We couldn't be happier with the results."

Marie Dubois, Lead Architect, ArchiBuild Group

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