Ensure Structural Integrity with Real-Time AI Verification.


Our AI-powered solution provides real-time verification of structural construction, ensuring that every phase aligns with design plans. This tool helps construction companies maintain accuracy, avoid costly rework, and ensure project timelines are met.

                                                                    Features & Benefits

Real-Time Monitoring:

Track construction progress in real-time, ensuring all work aligns with the original design specifications.

Automated Reporting:

Receive detailed reports highlighting any deviations from the plan, allowing for immediate corrective action.


Identify and address potential issues before they lead to costly rework or delays.

Enhanced Accuracy:

Improve structural accuracy and compliance, reducing the risk of future structural problems.


  • Armatures​
  • Désenfumage ​
  • Plomberie ​
  • Accessibilité PMR​
  • Equipement ​
  • Ravalement ​
  • Acoustique​
  • Etanchéité  ​
  • Revêtement ​
  • CVC ​
  • Démolition ​
  • Ascenseur ​
  • Façade ​
  • Sécurité des personnes ​
  • Bardage ​
  • Flocage ​
  • Sécurité incendie ​
  • Chape ​
  • Fluides médicaux ​
  • Serrurerie et garde-corps ​
  • Parasismique ​
  • Partition et doublage ​
  • Charpente ​
  • Installation GAZ  ​
  • Sols durs/souple ​
  • Courant faible/fort ​
  • Installations électriques  ​
  • Soutènement ​
  • Couverture ​
  • Menuiserie  ​
  • SSI ​
  • Terrassement ​
  • Thermique ​

Case Study :Real-Time Structural Monitoring for Construction Accuracy

Client Overview

Client: BuildSure Ltd.​
Industry: Construction​
Location: London, UK​

Product Used: AI-Powered Structural Construction Verification



BuildSure Ltd., a mid-sized construction company, was struggling with delays and rework caused by misalignments between their designs and actual construction work. The manual verification process was slow and inefficient, leading to costly rework and project delays.



By implementing our AI solution for real-time construction verification, BuildSure Ltd. was able to continuously monitor structural progress, identify discrepancies early, and generate automated reports for immediate corrective action.



25% Reduction in Project Delays: Real-time monitoring allowed BuildSure Ltd. to address issues on-site before they escalated.​

30% Decrease in Rework Costs: Early detection of misalignments and structural issues reduced the need for costly fixes later in the project.​

Increased Compliance: The AI tool ensured that all work complied with both the design and regulatory standards, boosting project efficiency.

"Our construction site has never run so smoothly. The AI tool flagged issues we never would have caught in time, saving us both time and money. It's now an integral part of our process.”

John Simmons, Project Manager, BuildSure Ltd.

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